Business Skills Courses
Pinnacle Professional Development LLC offers serious business skills training for professional managers and front-line employees. Many of our course materials are used by university undergraduate and M.B.A. programs. Unlike a university course, however, we’ll help you apply the concepts directly and immediately to your real-world challenges.
Your instructor (and Pinnacle ProDev LLC President), Brian Salk, PhD, has over 30 years of experience working with hundreds of public and private organizations in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and the Middle East. Come experience our condensed and extremely valuable business skills training. We promise there’s no final exam or term papers.
Leadership: Making an Impact and Inspiring Your Organization
Course Duration & Price: 3 days (21 contact hours), $1,495 per participant. (Discounted group pricing available.)
Course Overview:
Put aside the overhyped new frameworks. The critical leadership practices – the one that will allow a leader to make the biggest impact over time – are well established.
Management: Improving the Performance of Individuals, Teams, the Business, and Yourself
Course Duration &Price : 3 days (21 contact hours), $1,495 per participant. (Discounted group pricing available.)
Course Overview:
Whether you’re a new manager or looking to have more influence in your current management role, the challenges you face come in in all shapes and sizes – a direct report’s anxious questions,
Coaching Employees with Effective Feedback
Course Duration & Price : 2 days (14 contact hours), $995 per participant. (Discounted group pricing available.)
Course Overview:
To help your employees meet their goals and fulfill their potential, you need to provide them with regular feedback and coach them successfully. It’s no longer enough to simply tell your direct reports what to do: You need to help coach them to improve their performance by establishing baselines of performance,
Better Business Writing
Course Duration & Price : 2 days (14 contact hours), $995 per participant. (Discounted group pricing available.)
Course Overview:
When you’re fumbling for words and pressed for time, you might be tempted to dismiss good business writing as a luxury. However, it’s a skill you must cultivate to succeed: You’ll lose time,
Managing Conflict Successfully
Course Duration Price: 2 days (13.5 contact hours), $600. (Discounted group pricing available.)
Course Overview:
Competing Interest, clashing personalities, and limited resources mean that disagreements at work are inevitable. However, they don’t have to be a source of unhealthy tension. How you approach conflict can make the difference between a negative outcome and a productive one.
Delivering Exceptional Customer Service
Course Duration & Price: 1 day (7 contact hours), $495 per participant. (Discounted group pricing available.)
Course Overview:
As a customer service representative, you are expected to handle customer interactions in the best way possible. Meeting the expectations of both your company and your customers hinge on your ability to provide the right service in the right way.
Designing and Delivering Persuasive Presentations
Course Duration & Price: 2 days (14 contact hours), $995 per participant. (Discounted group pricing available.)
Course Overview:
Very few individuals look forward to speaking in public. However, success in business and in your personal career often requires preparing and delivering presentations designed to inform and persuade audiences.
Delivering High Impact Training Courses
Course Duration & Price: 3 days (14 contact hours), $1,495 per participant. (Discounted group pricing available.)
Course Overview :
This course enables organizational trainers to vastly improve their ability to deliver meaningful learning sessions. This course examines both the classic learning theories that have guided the work of effective educators as well as the very recent discoveries on how the brain receives,
Building a Business Case
Course Duration & Price: 2 days (14 contact hours), $995 per participant. (Discounted group pricing available.)
Course Overview:
You’ve developed a great idea that will help your organization and your group achieve its objectives, but how will you get the buy-in you need to get the idea approved?
Effective Time Management
Course Duration & Price: 1 day (7 contact hours), $495 per participant. (Discounted group pricing available.)
Course Overview:
Many managers and employees struggle to meet the ever-increasing demands of their jobs. Double-booked schedules, changing priorities, and countless distractions challenge even the most organized individuals. This class provides extremely valuable tools and practices to prioritize mission-critical activities,
Making Every Meeting Matter
Course Duration & Price: 1 day (7 contact hours), $495 per participant. (Discounted group pricing available.)
Course Overview:
Everyone has hosted or attended meetings that took more time and accomplished less than expected. Vague agendas, missing critical participants, off-track conversations, tuned-out participants, and lack of follow up affect virtually every organization.
Other Business Skills Courses
We have delivered business skills training on close to 100 different subjects, such as mentoring, coaching, customer service, financial management basics, interviewing, and train-the-trainer presentation skills. Contact us if you or your employees need a particular subject not listed.
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